I like the continental drift aspect, but Im not sure what they are going for with placing species. During some periods, some species of that period are mixed in with contemporary species or species are displayed that are already extinct (e.g.: there were not even close ancestors of the thresher shark during the Silurian period); during the first epoch of the age of mammals (the Paleocene) there are still dinosaurs like the hypselosaurus (who should have been by that time wiped out by Mr. Asteroid) running around with contemporary not-yet-evolved reptile species (and yes there are a few but not enough accurate species of the time). I think there may have been a little of a rush releasing this app as on the pay-for category. I find myself spending time figuring out whether species are aligned with that period or of our time (though a photo rather than an illustration is a good hint that the species didnt exist in its present form 400 million years ago). Im guessing the authors put these inaccuracies in there as place holders to keep things interesting while they more thoroughly gather research. A big update is in order! I will not seek a refund hoping they will quickly bring this good concept into a more accurate and full potential. I would consider this app in early beta.
cirrusking about Dino Walk - Your World History, v1.1.0